
Educational Articles

Annotation of neuromuscular junction and basement membrane with anti-LAMB2 antibody

The neuromuscular junction Expand Figure legend Anti-LAMB2 antibody labels the basement membrane surrounding the muscle cells in the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of a mouse embryo at E15.5. The dorsal root ganglion Expand Figure legend Anti-LAMB2 antibody labels the basement membrane surrounding the nerve fibers in the dorsal root ganglion of a mouse embryo at E15.5. […]

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Protocol for Human iPS Cell Culture

Matrigel coating of culture dish Expand 1. Thaw Ready-to-use Matrigel on ice. Coat dish (35-mm to 150-mm diameter) by adding 500μl – 5ml ready-to-use gelatin solution to cover the bottom; rock the dish back and forth to let solution cover homogeneously. 2. Sit at room temperature for 1hr (keep sterile in culture hood). 3. Aspirate solution and […]

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Protocol for Mouse ES Cell Culture

Gelatin coating of culture dish Expand 1. Coat dish (35-mm to 150-mm diameter) by adding 500μl – 5ml ready-to-use gelatin solution to cover the bottom; rock the dish back and forth to let solution cover homogeneously; sit at room temperature for 3hr (keep sterile in culture hood). 2. Aspirate solution; allow air dry overnight in culture hood […]

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RNA Interference Oligo Design Algorithm

RNAi oligo design program Expand RNA interference oligo design algorithm is written into an online program “RNAi Score Calculator”. Clicking the program will enter the interface for inputting target gene cDNA sequence.  Input target gene cDNA sequence Expand After entering “RNAi Score Calculator” interface, target gene cDNA sequence (FASTA format) can be pasted into the […]

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Delineating cell lineage in the collecting duct of mouse kidney

Differentiating principal cell from intercalated cell Expand The collecting duct in the kidney consists in three types of cells, principal cells, alpha-intercalated cells and beta-intercalated cells. The principal cells are primarily responsible for salt and water transport while alpha- and beta-intercalated cells are responsible for acid-base transport. Figure legend Anti-Aqp2 antibody labels the luminal membrane […]

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Fluorescent FFPE of mouse embryo section

The skin Expand The skin, or integument, consists of two major layers: the epidermis, composed of stratified squamous epithelium that is keratinized, and the dermis, composed of connective tissue. Figure legend E-cadherin proteins label the epithelial cell junctions in the epidermis of the skin from a mouse embryo at E12.5 on FFPE section. The kidney […]

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Dual-color fluorescent IHC on FFPE section

Low-magnification fluorescent imaging Expand FFPE sections were obtained from formalin (10% neutral formaldehyde) fixed mouse kidney tissues. Antigens on FFPE sections were retrieved by citrate solution at pH 6.0. Two BiCell Scientific antibodies, raised in rat and rabbit respectively, were incubated with FFPE sections to detect two independent antigen proteins. Figure legend Fluorescent IHC on […]

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"I am really impressed with your approach. We tried multiple times previously to create monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to claudin-2 and MLCK1. We have had limited success generating polyclonals and no success generating monoclonals. You have generated outstanding monoclonals to both. I look forward to continuing to work with you."

Jerrold R. Turner, M.D., Ph.D.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital | Harvard Medical School

"The polyclonal antibody you generated for KIAA0408 is stunning! KIAA0408 is a novel cilium molecule that has never been studied. So, clearly there will be a lot of demand for it as we have discovered a very interesting finding and the story will be published in a high impact journal. I am strongly inclined to generate monoclonal antibody for this protein too and we should think about patenting it."

Univ.-Prof. Jay Gopalakrishnan PhD

Heinrich-Heine-Universität | Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf

"Your ARL13B antibody works beautifully!!! We’re so happy to have a cilia-specific antibody made in rat! I can send you high resolution images to be posted on your website."

Julie Craft Van De Weghe, PhD

School of Medicine | University of Washington

"The assay is a homophilic interaction mediated cell adhesion on purified protein (in this case, immobilized purified Pcdhga9 to Pcdhga9 expressed on cell surface). Compared to control, cell adhesion is reduced in the presence of Pcdhga9 monoclonal antibody supernatants!"

Divyesh Joshi, PhD

School of Medicine | Yale University

"The rabbit hybridoma supernatants of anti-APOBEC3 project are tested positive by ELISA, and we are very happy about it! We previously tried a company, Abclone. Their Project "A" has immune response that is <10,000 titer in antiserum, which would explain why there is no positive mAb after fusion. Their project "B" didn't have any immune response in rabbit."

Harshita B Gupta, PhD.

School of Medicine | UT Health San Antonio

"We have tested anti mouse T cell antiserum samples from both rabbits you sent to us.

They worked very well! Thank you!"

Victoria Gorbacheva, PhD.

School of Medicine | Cleveland Clinic

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